Thursday, September 30, 2010

Movie Poster: Take 2

On this poster for changes I moved in the names on top of the poster. I also changed the color of the Title to a deeper red and the "coming this July" top a really dark blue.  I tabed down the word war to make the "Fear, Love, and War into a line that goes down his leg, because its a strong line. I like this one the best out of all the ones I did

On this poster I changed it by first fliping the picture the other way.  I loved the "Fear, Love, and War" to the left side.  I changed the color of the the title to a orange color and the "coming this July" to a dark blue.  I also moved in the movie names.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

For this project I decided to do a movie poster on some type of warfare.  I enjoy watching all types of war movies.  I also recently just had a very close friend of mine leave for the Navy and he's going to specialize in EOD and that was another thing that inspired me to do this type of poster. The man in the suit is in a bomb proof suit, for dismantling bombs (Military EOD). I wanted to keep the poster simple but yet still be able to catch a persons eye.  I did little layering for this poster, I started off with a simple black background.  For the main picture I first made it black and white by going to new adjustment layer and then I erased everything but the man in the suit to make warfare scene of the fire stand out.  I also think that by the man being black and white stands out as well.  I then faded the edges of the picture with the square marquee tool.  I put the picture onto the black background then adding all the text. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I read this quote in my horoscope.  In my horoscope it wasn't a quote, but more of telling me the truth about life.  When I read it i loved it so much.  It made the most sense to me at the time and it fit my life exactly at that moment.  I believe that this quote could fit anyone and it's such a true quote.  I picked a font that looked like handwriting so I could warp it to fit on a notebook paper background.  I thought it would be a good idea to make this quote more real by making it look like someone had wrote it on a piece of paper.  Then I also added the flower stamps to make it look kinda like someone had doodled or sketched on the paper as well.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Movie Posters

Gran Torino
I thought that this was a good movie poster because the title stands out with the dark background and it also has Clint Eastwood’s (the director and star role) name bold at the top as well.  Just by the looking at the picture of the car in the background and the gun in Clint Eastwood’s hand, you can tell that movie has to do with the car (Grand Torino) and it more then likely has violence/crime in the movie considering that he is holding a gun.  Also by Clint’s facial expression, he looks like an anger old man.  Then again by the lighting on one side of his face and the shadow on the other it gives him two out looks (maybe if you haven’t seen the movie you would think) an anger bitter man on the shadow side and on the light side maybe a guy that’s not so bad, a guy that has more to him then just the anger look.
The Rocker
I didn’t like this movie poster because I thought it was to blank, not enough detail.  The title of the movie did not stand out at all since it’s on the kids left arm. When I first saw the poster I didn’t even see the name of the movie and I had to look for it.  I thought it was just something on his arm, not knowing it was the title.  By the words on top it give you an idea of what the movie is about but it gives no other information of who’s in the movie or when its coming out. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I chose this picture of people in Sweden celebrating the mid summer festival.  I added a picture of the Swedish flag behind it to show were this celebration is held.  Other European countries celebrate midsummer as well but Sweden has the most unique way. The Midsummer festival is held June 19th to June 26th.  It is one of the most important holidays of the year in Sweden.  The main celebration takes place on the first Friday, and traditional events include raising and dancing around a huge maypole.  But before the maypole is raised, greens and flowers are collected and used to cover the entire pole.  Raising and dancing around a maypole is an activity that attracts families and many others.  After the man of the town have raised the maypole, they then dance around the pole listen to traditional music and some people even wear traditional folk costumes and many girls where crowns made of wild spring and wildflowers on their heads.  I pick this picture to represents me for a few reasons.  First, I am half Swedish and take much pride in that.  Secondly, I had the opportunity last summer to visit Sweden and stay with some relatives; I grew to love the land where my family came from.  Third, I have taken so much interest in the culture that they still hold in Sweden.  After visiting there I want to learn more about how people in Sweden live now and the history of Sweden.  Lastly, I would like my heritage to be a big part of my life, I hope to do study of abroad there and if I like living there, to maybe one day move there.  This picture is me because its the land where my family came from a celebration my relatives take part of.